Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Paper Prototype Presentation

A paper prototype. A fully designed board
would be bigger and less "cluttered".
Cavern Conundrum is a party game for up to 4 people.

Supplies needed:
1x d6 (or equivalent phone applcation)
1x Token for each player
1x Board [to play on] (variable size)
5-10x "Walls" for each player playing
4x "Walls" for the exit
(Walls can be any small object [even folded paper] to indicate a barrier between two rooms)

  • Players need to decide how large the map will be. This is entirely up to them.
  • Each player rolls the d6 to determine order. All ties are to be resolved by re-rolls, with the higher rolling player going beforehand.
  • Each player takes turns placing walls on the board [up to 10] (they cannot touch the starting square [not even diagonally] and players should avoid placing near the exit for maximum effect).
          After everyone has placed walls down (up to 10 for 4 players, 8 for 3, and 6 for 2), place 2 walls adjacent (touching) the exit square and 2 more walls touching those rooms that aren't along the borders of the grid (as shown above).
  • Each turn, players can do one of four things:
  1. Roll the d6 to move that many squares. Note: Players MUST move that many squares. They cannot move less than the indicated number. Diagonal moving is not permitted. You may not end your turn on a square already occupied by an enemy (you may with teammates, however).
  2. The player may fire in any of the 4 cardinal directions. If there is no wall between another player and the "shooter", that player must return to start. Friendly fire possible! You may not fire while on the starting square.
  3. The player may destroy an adjacent wall. Anyone on the other side of the wall gets sent back to start. Friendly fire possible!
  4. The player may put up a wall in a room connected to the room they are in. Note: You cannot place a wall connected to the starting square (even diagonally).
  • When on teams, the first <Team> (all players) to reach the exit wins. However, once a player enters the exit square, they can no longer act. Be sure to wish your teammate(s) luck!
          This game has been playtested on September 16th, September 28th, and September 30th. The game has changed a lot since its beginning and has developed into what is is today (however, it is still continuing to grow and change). The game's core mechanic revolves around planning and capitalizing on other's actions/mistakes. One such thing is the construction of walls to block other players and using your turn to destroy an adjacent wall. Setting up the board does take some time, but once a board has been set up, multiple games can be played with it or the walls on the board may be moved around for a new map.

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